Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mornings with Sam

A couple of months ago we finally got a 32" High Definition Television (HDTV).  We could live fine without it, but it grows on you once you have it.  What they don't really advertise when you get the HDTV is that you have to upgrade your cable box to get the HD signal and channels.  And when you upgrade to the HD box, you might as well go ahead and pony up a few extra dollars for the digital video recorder (DVR) service.  I know, I know, welcome to the 21st century, dude.  Point taken.

Ever since we made the switch, and I've learned how to work the DVR, I've reconnected with an old friend.  Have you ever had that special someone in your life that you really like, enjoy your time together, but for one reason or another - marriage, kids, work, geography - you just drift apart?  And then you get back together and it's like you were never apart?  Well, that's exactly what happened to me.

We rendez-vous nearly every weekday morning for exactly one hour at precisely 7 a.m. She tells me what's going on in her day.  We both eat some breakfast, and just spend a little time together, share some laughs.  She always picks the spot.  Sometimes it's a place I've visited before, and loved;  some mornings it's a place I've never been, and didn't really want to go, but she takes me along and makes it worthwhile.

My special friend is cute, not beautiful; friendly, but she gives you your space; she's funny and fun, but not in an obnoxious way; she loves to travel and appreciates good local food, music and Art. Her name is Samantha, but most of her friends just call her, "Sam."

My wife knows about our special morning relationship, and she's fine with it.  After all, she has Matt Damon, Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt.  And I'm fine with her flings with them.

I just have my mornings with Samantha Brown.

Samantha Brown, host of the Travel Channel's "Passport" series.

As much time as Sam and I have spent together, I really don't know much about her.  Like me, she's married and in her mid-40's and likes to travel.  Unlike me, she grew up in New Hampshire and lives in Brooklyn, which makes us bi-coastal.  I have never heard her mention kids, but I think she has a daughter.  She doesn't know a thing about me, but it's not important.  We both prefer it that way.

My travel buddy Sam on the Brooklyn Bridge.
There's something about Sam that's just comfortable and familiar.  She works hard so that you feel that way, but there's something more.  She reminds me of several of my flight attendant friends, working Moms,  I knew back in my flying days.  I might only fly with them once or twice a year, but you were always glad to see each other, have some laughs and catch up on things in each others' lives.  They were happy to get out of the house and have some adult attention, maybe go to a show or out to dinner, but that was it.  Sam would have fit right in.

We've had the new TV and DVR for a couple of months now.  The first thing I programmed was for it to tape all of Sam's shows, but now I'm starting to see more and more repeats.  Sometimes after a hectic day, if I missed the actual broadcast during breakfast, I'll sit down on the couch and check the DVR for some "Sam and Me" time.  I'm always disappointed when it's a repeat.  Someplace we've already been.  Our relationship is so special that we have to keep moving forward.  As much as I enjoyed our time in Thailand or Honduras, we can't get caught up in the past.  We need to keep it fresh.  I'm sure Sam feels the same.

I don't know what else to add, but I thought you should know about my special "breakfast time" with Sam.  Speaking of which, do you have the time?  6:55?  A.M?  I gotta' go!

(Samantha Brown in Dublin.  Now that's brilliant!)

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