Wednesday, September 7, 2011

San Jose's Top Ten

From the home office in Alviso, California (with apologies to David Letterman):

San Jose, CA: the self-appointed Capital of Silicon Valley.


10.  The weather.  It's 80 degrees under blues skies today.  And every other day.  Think of all the time you'll save not having to pay attention to a weather report between March and October.

9.  The word "Garage Sale" is now obsolete (that's so 1.0) - you will now be able to purchase the same useless knick-knacks from your neighbor, and tell everyone you bought them at an "Estate Sale."

8.  Conveniently located world-class theatre, museums and fine dining - just 50 miles north in San Francisco.

7.  Speeding tickets no longer issued in the city of San Jose - budget problems have forced dismissal of entire police force.

6.  Don't worry about residents rioting or looting after local NHL team loses in the Stanley Cup Finals - the Sharks have never even APPEARED in the Stanley Cup Finals.

5.  Did we mention the weather? 

4.  Never know when you'll walk into a local watering hole and go home with the latest prototype of the new Apple iPhone™.

3.  Drive-up medical marijuana co-ops conveniently located on every corner.

2.  Worried about your inability to write well or properly speak English?  Never a problem in San Jose!

1.  "Dude, what an awesome day!  Let's score some weed and check out the Estate Sales."

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